Getting Started

Initial steps to join the first call with VidyoPlatform

Congratulations! Now you have your dedicated VidyoPlaform tenant and were provided Admin account credentials for accessing it. Let's put it below for further reference.


Tenant URL:

Admin username: admin

Admin password: admin

The below steps will walk you through to get you connected to the call.

Step 1 - Create a meeting room

Send a request to create a room

Meeting room is an entity of VidyoPortal where actual calls take place. In VidyoPlatform you have complete control over your rooms of various types such as creating, deleting, locking, protecting with PIN, etc. In this example, we will create a basic Scheduled room on your tenant using Web Service SOAP API.

In order to get a room created you have to send a SOAP API request over to the Admin web service on your tenant.

You can always refer to the API definitions at


Request body:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v1="">

And here are request headers:

SOAPAction: "createScheduledRoom"; 
Content-Type: text/xml; 
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=

As you might notice, we use Base Authentication where your Admin credentials are encoded into base64 format:

[Authorization: Basic base64(username:password)]

Obtain and understand the response

Here is what you will get as a response of creating a room

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
      <ns1:CreateScheduledRoomResponse xmlns:ns1="">
         <ns1:inviteContent>Join admin's video &amp; audio conference by clicking the following link:  

If this is your first time using Vidyo, you will be asked to download the client.

Alternatively, you can call into the meeting via phone:

US Toll-Free (800) 207-8648,,230307115#
US Local Number (201) 254-8248,,230307115#
Germany +49 32221090194,,230307115#
Hong Kong +852 58084181,,230307115#

Or join using a H.323 or SIP endpoint using IP and enter meeting ID 230307115</ns1:inviteContent>
         <ns1:inviteSubject>Vidyo Meeting Invitation</ns1:inviteSubject>

As you may see the response contains various fields with data, some of them may be used even as-is for inviting other participants to the conference. However, let's not overcomplicate things at this point and stop on the most important field - roomURL. It contains all the information your application and other participants will require in order to connect to the call in the room.

Step 2 - Join the call using stock VidyoConnect application

So, the roomURL response field value is as follows:

We often call it a Room Link, and this is basically everything you need in order to join the call in this room. Just follow this link and choose the application of your preference - whether it is web application or binary application corresponding to your current operating system:

Things become more interesting when it comes to building your own client application for joining calls on VidyoPlatform. Proceed to the next tutorial to learn how to build your first simple client web application.

Last updated